Infrafibre Germany provides full-fibre networks to deliver enhanced connectivity for local communities.

€ 1,5 bn

Planned investments


Homes Passed


Homes Connected


Partnerships in Germany

>10 Years

Industry and market experience

Unsere Grüne Glasfaser strengthens fiber optic expansion in rural areas with planned takeover of Infrafibre Germany

UGG is planning to acquire Infrafibre Germany (IFG) and collaborate with us to advance the expansion of fiber optic networks in rural areas! Through this initiative, we aim to provide 2.2 million households with cutting-edge fiber optic technology. All ongoing projects, as well as those already agreed upon with municipalities in the coming years, will be expanded as planned.


Capital and Know-How

Our vision is to transform rural communities across Germany by bringing outstanding full-fibre broadband. We aim at boosting businesses and communities through reliable access to fast internet.

We believe this is best done by establishing local and regional partnerships and retaining strong regional brands to serve customers locally. Since 2018 we have been supported by Infracapital, one of the longest standing European infrastructure investor and an established owner of fibreoptics networks across Europe.



We are looking for long-term investments and partnerships with municipalities, counties and regional companies to support the growth of broadband networks and digitalisation.We believe in strong regional cohesion and brands. The cornerstones of our strategy are to:

  • Invest in established German businesses and support them to build scale
  • Seek smaller investments through these platforms and boost broadband projects
  • Develop synergies across our portfolio to share expertise and attract talented individuals
  • Fund construction and operations by deploying significant capital to underserved German regions. Invest via flexible participation models

Group Companies

We want to promote not demand. It is important for us to maintain and further expand the regional brands and strengths.

  • Retention of regional brands, strengths and regional relationship network
  • Flexible implementation of commercial and subsidized
  • Support for migration from FTTC to FTTB/H
  • Flexible participation models from 51% –100%
  • Provision of financial resources

Digitization in rural areas –
investing today in the
infrastructure of tomorrow.



From an ecological point of view, fiber optics is not only more efficient than copper networks,
but also many times more sustainable. Copper cable consume up to 17 times more power during data transmission than modern fiber optic networks.


Our goal is stable and sustainable performance. All investment groups are to benefit in the long term from our commitment and a positive, progressive development of their own region.


Focus on people. We invest in the digital infrastructure to optimize the lives of those who ultimately benefit as end customers from our investments.

Group Companies

LEONET group. The experts from and for Bavaria.

Digital equality of opportunity for the region: We want everyone in rural areas to be able to operate in the same way as companies in metropolitan areas. A strong network should make rural communities more attractive for companies and families. At home, information and entertainment services will finally become easy to use with fast Internet.

  • With more than 4,000 kilometers of fibre optic network, one of the longest optical networks in Bavaria
  • Almost €100 million already invested in broadband expansion for rural regions in Bavaria
  • Over 100 employees within the corporate group
  • Average customer growth of >35% per year over the last 5 years

Breitbandversorgung Deutschland (BBV), fibre-optic network operator in southern Germany and Thuringia


Our headquarters are located in Dreieich in the Rhein-Main area. Our goal is to deploy Fibre to the Building networks in underserved areas in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz and Thuringen. We work closely with regional companies and municipalities. As BBV Germany we provide central services (planning, purchasing, products and technology) for our subsidiaries. Under the brands BBV Rhein-Neckar, BBV Thuringen and toni the regional companies of BBV Germany offer symmetrical and high-speed broadband internet services as well as telephony and TV services via fibre.


  • More than 2,000 kilometers of fibre optic network
  • Over 70 employees within the corporate group
  • Average customer growth of >50% per year over the last 5 years


Senior Management Team




We have made it our mission to bring fast Internet to underserved regions – no more and no less.

With many years of experience in the investment sector and expansion of high-speed infrastructure, we are your partner for a digital future. We believe in strong partnerships and regional participation for the best possible coverage outcome.

We are leaders in the expansion of full fibre networks

Jürgen Hansjosten

Group CEO
Infrafibre Germany

Sven Merkel

Group CFO (Interim)
Infrafibre Germany

Jochen Mogalle

Group CCO
Infrafibre Germany

Richard Fahringer

Group CTO
Infrafibre Germany


Supervisory Board


Infrafibre Germany (IFG) has a Supervisory Board with leading industry experts. Their expertise provides an important boost to further development and accelerated fiber-optic infrastructure expansion.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Niek Jan van Damme, former member of the Board of Management and responsible for the business activities (mobile and fixed network) of Deutsche Telekom in Germany. Completing the board are Stephen Nelson, former CEO of BAA Airport Holding and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of fiber optic operator Gigaclear. and the two directors James Harraway and Nikolaus Roessner, representing our shareholder Infracapital.

Niek Jan van Damme

Stephen Nelson

James Harraway

Nikolaus Roessner

Get in touch?

1 + 7 =

Jochen Mogalle

Jochen Mogalle ist seit Dezember 2021 in der IFG-Gruppe. Insgesamt ist Mogalle seit über 25 Jahren in unterschiedlichen führenden Managementpositionen im Telekommunikationssektor tätig.

Maximilian Oertle

Maximilian Oertle ist seit April 2023 CTO der IFG. Vorher war, der über eine langjährige Branchenerfahrung verfügende Manager, knapp fünf Jahre als Chief Technology Officer (CTO) bei EWE Tel tätig.

Wolfgang Kniese

Der Manager ist seit 01. Juni 2023 Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Kniese bringt eine über 25-jährige Erfahrung im Bereich Finanzen und Investor Relations (Schwerpunkt: Telekommunikation) – viele Jahre hiervon in unterschiedlichen Geschäftsführungspositionen – mit.

Jürgen Hansjosten

Bei IFG seit August 2019 -
Mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung im Telekommunikationssektor und ehemaliger COO bei euromicron AG, CEO bei Teragate AG, COO bei ADVA Optical AG.